Abbreviations - Australia - Barbarians - Bundles - Canada - Collections - Cricket - Cufflinks - England - France - Internationals - Ireland - Italy - Japan - Match ties - Misc - New Zealand - Non Rugby Ties - Rugby Gifts - Rugby World Cup - Scotland - South Africa - Tie clips/pins - Unknown - USA - Wales - Reference
template - cm Ref: ti - £15.00zzz |
template - cm Ref: ti - £15.00zzz |
template - cm Ref: ti - £15.00zzz |
template - cm Ref: ti - £15.00zzz |
- cm Ref: AD05-ti - £15.00zzz |
- cm Ref: AD05-ti - £15.00zzz |
- cm Ref: AD05-ti - £15.00zzz |
- cm Ref: AD05-ti - £15.00zzz |
Czech Republic- 6.5 cm Ref: AD06-004-tiinct - £35.00 |
England players tie, circa 1990s, 8cm Ref: AD05-402-tiinen.1990s - £35.00 |
template - cm Ref: ti - £15.00 |
template - cm Ref: ti - £15.00 |
5 | 33 | 10 | 4 | 5 | 33 | 10 |
Argentina - probably from 1971 tour of South Africa - red - 8cm - excellent condition Ref: BC05-035 - £35.00 |
Argentina - probably from 1971 tour of South Africa - red - 8cm - excellent condition Ref: BC05-034 - £35.00 |
An Argentina tie from the Argentinan tour of 1978.
Ref: CL6-tiar-gms - £35.00 |
Argentina - 9.5 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-051-tiinar - £25.00 |
Australia (60s, wn, colour faded, tn) - Ref: AD5-180 - £7.00 |
Australia (60s, mm, good condition, green, Wallaby, pure silk) Ref: AD5-226 - £47.00 |
Australia - 7 cm - excellent condition Ref: PC32-004-tiinas - £40.00 |
Australia, 70s 9.5cm Ref: NC29-T4 - £45.00 |
Australia - early 1960s - pure silk - 7.5 cm - excellent condition Ref: PC33-36-tiinas - £45.00 |
1960s very well worn - 5.5cm
Ref: TT1-63-tiinas1960s - £3.75 |
Australia, approx 1971 - 6.5cm - excellent condition Ref: BC05-036-tiinas - £39.00 |
Australia, approx 1981, 9.5 cm.
Ref: BC04-P61-tiinas - £40.00zzz |
Australia players, 1980s, 8cm Ref: BC02-115-tiinas - £55.00 |
Australia - 8 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-002-tiinas - £45.00 |
Australia, approx 1984, 9.75 cm.
Ref: AD06-001-tiinas - £42.50 |
Australia - 9.5 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-001-tiinas - £45.00 |
Barbarians tie.
Ref: CC35-tibb-gms - £60.00 |
British Lions - made by Toye, Kenning & Spencer - 9 cm - excellent condition Ref: PC32-133-tiinbr - £55.00 |
British Lions - probably 1962 - 7.5cm - good condition - Ref: BC05-007-tiinbr-xb - £75.00 |
British Lions - approx 1966 - 8.5cm - Ref: BC2-A12 - £75 |
British Lions - 10 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-141-tiinbr - £49.00 |
British Lions Bow Tie - 13 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-135-tiinbr - £65.00 |
British Lions Golf society - made by Sharps - 8.5 cm - excellent condition, approx 1971 Ref: BC05-210-tiinbrgo - £45.00 |
British Lions Golf society - made by Forsyth - 7 cm - very good condition, approx 1959 Ref: BC05-209-tiinbrgo - £35.00 |
Canada players 1987 RWC, 8cm - from the collection of a former England international player. Ref: BC02-406-tiinca - £40.00 |
England tour of South Africa 1972 - 8cm - good Ref: BC05-037 - £65.00 |
1980 England Grand Slam tie - given to players, possibly available for sale to general public. Ref: CC35-tiengs80-gms - £35.00 |
Tie - 1991 RWC - England players tie, Mike was awarded this tie
as he was part of the coaching set up in the lead up to the RWC.
Ref: CC35-tiwc91-gms - £45.00 |
England Triple Crown 1980 - given to players but
possibly also available for sale to general public.
Ref: CL6-tientc-gms - £35.00 |
England B bow tie from the 1992 tour of New Zealand. Ref: CL6-tien-b-bow-gms - £29.00 |
Fiji - players - late 70s 12cm - Ref: BC2-A7 - £30 |
Fiji tie, swapped during 1979 England tour. | |||||
France - 8 cm - unused, in original packaging Ref: AD06-006-tiinfr - £45.00 |
France - 1960s - 5.5 cm - good condition Ref: BC6-182-tiinfr - £30.00 |
France - 8.5cm Ref: PC06-02-tiinfr - £45.00 |
France - probably from 1967 tour of South Africa - 6cm - excellent condition Ref: BC05-038 - £25.00 |
French players tie from 1987 RWC - It is believed that
this tie was exchanged with All Black Mark Brooke-Cowden for a New
Zealand tie after the 1987 Rugby World Cup Final in which the All Blacks
beat France.
Ref: CC61-tifrwc87xb - £75.00 |
France - 7cm Ref: TT1-60-tiinfr - £35.00 |
France - players - tour of New Zealand 1989 Ref: BC02-403-tiinfr - £30.00 |
France - tour of NZ 1984 Ref: NC10-S18-tiinfr- £45.00 |
France (1968 tour of NZ, worn) Ref: AD5-218-tiinfr - £12.00 |
France - 9 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-138-tiinfr - £39.00 |
Germany 90th Anniversary 1990 - 7.5 cm Ref: AD06-009-tiingy90 - £39.00 |
Germany - 8 cm From the collection of Ieuan Morlais Evans, President Welsh R.U. 1991/2 - more info... CLICK HERE Ref: AD06-008-tiingy - £45.00 |
Holland - 8 cm - unused, in original packaging Ref: AD06-010-tiinhl - £35.00 |
Holland. 7.5cm
Ref: BC04-P04-tiinhl - £35.00 |
Hong Kong R.F.U - 10 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-157-tiinho - £34.00 |
- 9.5cm
Ref: TT1-40-tiinir - £12.00 |
Ireland, 8 cm. Ref: CC27-P59 - £20.00 | |||||
Ireland - 6.5cm - excellent
condition -
Ref: BC05-040 - £25.00 |
Ireland players tie, circa 1999, "Irish Permanent Home Internationals" label, Ref: CL13-P1-04 - £12.00 |
Italy - 1970s 9.5 cm - heavily creased, From the collection of Ieuan Morlais Evans, President Welsh R.U. 1991/2 - more info... CLICK HERE Ref: AD06-54-tiiniy - £9.00 |
Italy - 12 cm - 1970s - excellent condition Ref: BC6-145-tiiniy - £32.00 |
Italy 1970s - 9.5cm - small mark about 10cm from bottom otherwise excellent - Ref: BC05-041 - £9.00 |
Italy - 8 cm - excellent condition Ref: PC32-144-tiiniy - £30.00 |
Japan - players - 8cm
Ref: BC02-40-tiinja - £25.00 |
Japan - 1960s - 6.5 cm - Ref: BC02-34-tiinja - £24.00 |
Japan tour of New Zealand 1983, 8.5 cm. .
Ref: BC04-P60-tiinja - £35.00 |
Japan / USA 1990 - 8cm - official
Japan RFU tie
Ref: BC02-26-tiinja - £24.00 |
Japan - approx 1990s - 8.5 cm - excellent condition Ref: CL07-001-tiinja - £39.00 |
Japan, RWC 1991, players tie, 8cm, excellent
Ref: BC04-78-tiinja - £19.00 |
Malaysia Rugby Union Ref: BC02-401-tiin-my - £35.00 |
(Namibia) South West Africa, 8.5 cm.
Ref: BC04-P35-tiinna - £35.00 |
New Zealand mid 1960s - 6cm - excellent condition Ref: BC05-043-tiinnz - £25.00 |
New Zealand - All Blacks to Argentina 1991. 8cm.
Ref BC04-P09-tiinnz - £25.00 |
New Zealand to Wales & Ireland 1989, 7.5cm.
Ref: BC04-P8-tiinnz - £25.00 |
New Zealand, probably from 1960 tour of South Africa, 7.5cm - good condition Ref: BC05-008-tiinnz - £40.00 |
New Zealand late 1960s, early 1970s - 7cm - excellent condition Ref: BC05-042-tiinnz - £25.00 |
New Zealand to France 1990.
Ref BC04-P14-tiinnz - £25.00 |
New Zealand - 8 cm Ref: AD06-020-tiinnz - £39.00 |
New Zealand 1980s - Ref: AD5-41 - £30 | New Zealand, early 80s, 8cm. Ref: BC04-P10 - £20.00 | |||||
New Zealand, 80s. black. 7cm Ref: AD5-N5-tiinnz - £30.00 |
New Zealand - 5.5 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-077-tiinnz - £35.00 |
New Zealand, late 80's, early 90's, 8cm. Ref: CC27-P06 - £25.00 |
New Zealand - 8 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-079-tiinnz - £39.00 |
All Blacks players bow tie, 12cm Ref: AD05-401-tiinnz-bow - £65.00 |
New Zealand 1990s - 7.5 cm Ref: PC06-03-tiinnz - £39.00 |
Rhodesia 1960s - 6cm - excellent condition Ref: BC05-044-tiin-rh - £25.00 |
Rhodesia 1960s green - 6.5cm - excellent condition - Ref: BC05-045 - £29.00 |
Rhodesia early 1970s - 7.5cm - excellent condition- Ref: BC05-046-tiin-rh - £39.00 carlos_xavierfrancisco@hotmail.com offer any new Rhodesian ties |
Rhodesia 1960s maroon - 6cm - excellent condition Ref: BC05-047-tiin-rh - £29.00 |
Russia tour of Britain 1989 tie.
Ref: PL28-tirutr89-gms - £10.00 |
Scotland, late 1950s - early 1960s, 8.5cm Ref: AD5-K17-tiinsc - £35.00 |
South African 1960/1 tour. This is almost certainly a Sprinboks players tie. 7.5cm - excellent condition Ref: BC05-048-tiinsa - £35.00 |
1956 Springboks to NZ - manuf by Allwear Ref: BC2-B35 - £95.00 |
South Africa late 1960s - 7cm excellent condition Ref: BC05-050 - £35.00 |
South Africa - 6.6 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-006-tiinsa - £46.00 |
South Africa - 7 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-007-tiinsa - £40.00 |
South Africa, approx 1960 - 8.5cm - excellent condition - Ref: BC05-049 - £55.00 |
South Africa - 75th Jubilee 1964, players tie.
Ref BC04-P23-tiinsa - £35.00 |
South Africa - 10.5 cm - excellent condition Ref: CL07-002-tiinsa - £25.00 |
Soviet Union Rugby Union, 9cm - tour of NZ 1991 - Ref: BC3-D2 - £45 |
Spain, navy, 8.5cm, Ref: AD5-K16-tiinsn - £30.00 |
Sweden - 9 cm From the collection of Ieuan Morlais Evans, President Welsh R.U. 1991/2 - more info... CLICK HERE Ref: AD06-022-tiin-sweden - £29.00 |
Taiwan, 8cm
Ref: MT01-336-tiin-taiwan - £25.00 |
Tonga, 8cm. .
Ref: BC04-P12-tiinto - £20.00 |
Tonga (narrow) - maroon - 5.5cm Ref: AD5-229-tiinto - £27.00 |
USA, 8cm. Ref: CC27-P29 - £20.00 | ||||||
Welsh Rugby Union - 1960s 6cm
Ref: PC33-39-tiinwa - £35.00 |
Wales - 1970s - 8.5 cm - excellent condition Ref: PC32-031-tiinwa - £35.00 |
Wales - early 1970s - 7.5 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-030-tiinwa - £35.00 |
Welsh Rugby Union - 8 cm - very good condition. From the collection of a former 1970s WRU President, COA provided. Ref: PC05-P1-01-tiinwa - £20.00 |
Wales - players tie, approx 1960s - 8cm Ref: BC02-14 - £30.00 |
Wales - players - 7cm Ref: BC2-B27 - £35.00 |
Wales players tie, circa 1980 - probably from Elgan Rees.
Ref: CC35-tiwa-gms - £45.00 |
Welsh Players - late 1970s 9 cm - excellent condition Ref: CL07-003-tiinwapy - £45.00 |
Wales - players/officials bow tie - 11 cm - good condition. From the collection of a former WRU President, COA provided. Ref: PC05-P1-08-tiwa-bow - £39.00 |
Wales - players tie - 8 cm - good. From the collection of a former 1970s WRU President, COA provided. Ref: PC05-P1-02-tiinwa - £25.00 |
Welsh Rugby Union - early 1970s - 7.5 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-032-tiinwa - £25.00 |
Wales XV - Players - 7.5cm Ref: BC02-32-tiinwa - £40.00 |
Welsh players 1980s - 8.5 cm - excellent condition Ref: CL07-004-tiinwapy - £35.00 |
Wales Triple Crown 1965 - 6 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-036-tiinwa - £49.00 |
Welsh Rugby Union - early 1970s - 7.5 cm - excellent condition Ref: TT1-61-tiinwa - £17.50 |
Wales - official WRU players/committee tie, circa 1970s, 10.5cm From the collection of Ieuan Morlais Evans, President Welsh R.U. 1991/2 - more info... CLICK HERE Ref: AD06-038-tiinwa.1970s - £22.00 |
Zambezi RFU- 8cm - from the collection of a former England international player. Ref: BC3-D11 - £30.00 |
Zimbabwe, 7.5cm . Ref: CC27-P32 - £25.00 |
5 | 33 | 10 | 4 | 5 | 33 | 10 |
Begles (France) - 8.5cm Ref: CC29-P1 - £12.00
France v Argentina (players) 88 Ref: AD5-83-tifr £20.00 |
Ref: AD5-156-tifr - £6.00 |
Comite Nacional Arbitros Spain ( National Referee
Committee of Spain), 8cm
Ref: MT01-209-timisnrf - £10.00 |
Welsh Youth - The
tie was designed in the inauguration year of the Welsh Youth Rugby
Union and was still in use as its original design when the
WRU decided to disband the voluntary organisation and replace it with
mostly "professional" personnel in 2004, Ref: BC6-024-tiwa- £25.00 |
Welsh Schools Grand Slam 1983, players tie - 8.5cm - excellent condition Ref: BC05-059 - £20.00 |
Wales Youth, circa early 1990s - 8cm, unused in original packaging From the collection of Ieuan Morlais Evans, President Welsh R.U. 1991/2 - more info... CLICK HERE Ref: AD06-032-tiinwaag-yth - £25.00 |
Welsh Districts Rugby Union - 10.5 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-035-tiwaag.districts - £35.00 |
Wales - a tie with the shape of Wales as the
motif, of unknown origin, found regularly in the collections of Welsh
internationals, circa late 1970s - 10.5cm
Ref: PL27-17-tiwami - £20.00 |
5 | 33 | 10 | 4 | 5 | 33 | 10 |
Aberamman Centenary tour of Canada - Ref: AD5-28 - £10 |
Aberavon, 7cm Ref: AD05-494-tiwacb-aberavon - £8.00 |
RFC - 9.5cm
Ref: TT1-55-ti - £9.00 |
Aberavon 50 club Ref: AD5-144 - £6.00 |
Aberavon R.F.C Centenary 1876-1976 - 11 cm - excellent condition Ref: PC32-177-tiwacb-ab - £22.00 |
Aberavon RFC, 1940s/50s tie, 8.5cm, worn and needs a good iron ! Ref: PC33-513-tiwacb-aberavon.1940s - £12.00 |
Aberavon - 10cm - excellent condition Ref: BC05-051-tiwacb - £10.00 |
Aberavon - 10cm - excellent condition
Ref: PL27-19-tiwacb-ab - £19.00 |
Abergavenny R.F.C Centenary 1875-1975 - 7.5 cm - excellent condition Ref: PC32-011-tiwacb-ag - £19.00 |
Abertillery, 8cm, excellent
Ref: BC04-86 - £10.00 |
Alltwen RFC, 8.5cm, as new, excellent condition - Ref: BC05-009 - £7.00
BRFC tie (Blaengarw) - unknown origin - 8 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-111-tiuk-brfc - £15.00 |
Blackwood ?? - 10 cm - excellent condition Ref: PC32-101-tiwacb-bl - £16.00 |
Blaina RFC
- navy - 9cm
Ref: AD5-W15-tiwacb - £7.00 |
Bridgend Centenary 1978, 11cm - excellent
Ref: BC04-85-tiwacb - £15.00 |
RFC Centenary - 9cm
Ref: TT1-54-tiwacb-brynaman-cn - £15.00 |
Briton Ferry Centenary - 7.5cm-
BC2-D68 - £15
Bryncethin RFC Centenary - Ref: AD5-54 - £14, | Brynmawr Centenary 1980 - Ref: NC7-W12 - £15, | |||||
BSC Port Talbot RFC, 7.5cm, excellent
Ref: BC04-87 - £8.00
Wells Centenary 1982/3
Ref: AD5-102-tiwacb - £9.00 |
Ref: MT01-278-tiwacb-cardiff - £8.00 |
5.5cm (Abe Cramer collection) - probably from the 1967 tour of South Africa.
Ref: PC33-194-tiwacb-cardiff - £9.00 |
Cardiff R.F.C - 6.5 cm - good condition Ref: BC6-190-tiwacb-cd - £19.00 |
Cardiff Suporters Club - 8cm - new in original packaging Ref: BC4-109-tiwacb-cd.sup - £9.00 |
Cardiff & District Rugby Union players tie - burgundy - early 1960s 5.5 cm - good condition Ref: BC6-075-tiwapv-cd.d - £19.00 |
Cardiff Centenary - text reversed - 9cm - excellent condition Ref: BC05-052-tiwacb - £5.00 |
HSOB to USA 1981
Ref: NC7-W3-tiwacb - £8.00 |
Cardiff & District Youth - Ref: AD5-238-tiwacb - £9.00 |
Christ College, Brecon, 7.5cm Ref: BC05-202-tiwash-ccb - £8.50 |
Christ College, Brecon - 10 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-152-tiwacg-ccb - £25.00 |
Crawshay's Welsh XV - 10 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-074-tiuk - £20.00 |
Cross Keys RFC - 10 cm - excellent condition Ref: PC32-091-tiwacb-ck - £20.00 |
Cross Keys RFC, 1960s, 7cm, iron mark to centre. Ref: CC27-P44 - £2.00 | Cross Keys RFC - 7.5cm - Ref: BC2-E84 - £12 | |||||
Ref: AD5-307-tiwacb - £8.00 |
Cwmgwrach R.F.C - 8.5 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-184-tiwacb-cg - £19.00 |
Cwmgwrach R.F.C - 7 cm - good condition Ref: PC32-187-tiwacb-cg - £19.00 |
Cwmtawe Sevens Referee - Ref: AD5-78 - £8.00
Cwmtwrch RFC - Ref: AD5-107 - £9, | Glamorgan County | |||||
Glamorgan Wanderers - 7.5cm
Ref: BC02-81-tiwacb - £8.00 |
Glynneath Ref: AB9-tiwacb-gln - £8.00 |
Glynneath Centenary - Ref: AD5-62 - £14 | ||||
Llandybie R.F.C - black, 8.5cm
Ref: TT05-142-tiwacb-llandybie - £12.00 |
Llandybie RFC - 'the saint' logo - 8 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-127-tiuk - £15.00 |
Llanelli RFC, 9cm, excellent
Ref: BC04-89-tiwacb - £10.00 |
Llanelli - 7.5 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-053-tiwacb-ll - £19.00 |
Llanelli - 7.5cm - new in original packaging Ref: BC4-110-tiwacb-ll - £12.00 |
Llanelli RFC - maroon - 6.5cm Ref: AD5-W7-tiwacb - £6.00 |
Llanelli & District Supporters Club, 50th Anniversary 1982
Ref: AD5-150 - £7,
Llanelli Centenary - Ref: AB13 - £15 | |||||
Llanelli Patrons Assoc. - grey - 7.5cm Ref: AD5-163-tiwacb - £6.50 |
Llanelli R.F.C Centenary 1872-1972 - 10 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-009-tiwacbcn-ll - £25.00 |
Llanelli 9 - NZ 3 (25th anniversary dinner) - Ref: AB9 - £7,
Llanelli v Fiji 95 - Ref: AB10 - £5, | |||||
Llanelli 1970s - 11 cm - excellent condition Ref: CL07-011-tiwacb-ll - £19.00 |
Llanelli v NZ Players Tie - 7.5 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-178-tiwacb-ll-nz - £20.00 |
Llanelli v South Africa 1994 - 9cm
Ref: CL7-016-tiwacb-ll-sa94 - £19.00 |
Llanelli RFC - Phil Bennett testimonial dinner tie 22nd October 1981, 8.5cm Ref: BC05-201-tiwapy-pb221081 - £9.00 |
Llanelli late 1960s - 7cm - excellent
Ref: BC05-054-tiwacb - £9.00 |
Llanelli Scarlets Welsh Champions 1992-3 - includes Schweppes Cup logo & Wallaby to signify Llanelli's triple season 8.5 cm - excellent condition Ref: CL07-014-tiwacb-ll92.3 - £20.00 |
Llantwit Major RFC - 1960s - 7.5 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-107-tiwacb-lm - £15.00 |
Llantwit Major RFC - 9 cm - excellent condition Ref: PC32-106-tiwacb-lm - £19.00 |
London Welsh - 7cm - excellent condition - Ref: BC05-055-tiwacb - £12.00 |
Maesteg RFC - 10 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-097-tiwacb-ma - £20.00 |
Maesteg Supporters Club - 8cm
Ref: BC02-50-tiwacb - £12.00 |
Monmouthshire R.F.U - 7 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-169-tiwapv-mon - £25.00 |
Ref: AD5-24-tiwacb - £14.00 |
Morganstown RFC - 10.5 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-103-tiwacb-mo - £19.00 |
Mumbles R.F.C - 8 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-153-tiwacb-mu - £19.00 |
RFC (1985) - possibly a centenary tie - 8cm
Ref: TT1-56-ti - £9.00 |
Neath RFC 7.5cm - Ref: BC2-A9 - £12 | ||||||
Neath RFC - 8cm
Ref: BC2-B38 - £12.00
Neath RFC - Welsh Champions 1986-7 - 7.5cm, excellent
Ref: BC4-88-tiwacb - £12.00 |
Neath - Ref: AB9 - £8, |
Ref: BC02-56 - £14.00
Neath v Fiji 95 - 8cm - Ref: BC2-E88 - £12 | ||||||
Neath RFC, triple champions 1989-90, 9cm
Ref: BC02-303-tiwacb - £9.00 |
Neath – Cup Winners 1989 Ref: AB9-tiwacb-nefn89 - £7.00 |
Newbridge RFC - 11 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-102-tiwacb-nb - £19.00 |
Newbridge RFC - 8cm - - Ref: BC2-D61 - £10 | Newport
RFC - (Newport are members of both the RFU & WRU, circa 1960s) - 7cm
Ref: TT1-47-tiwacb-newport-waen - £9.00 |
Newport RFC - The 3 feathers & Rose represent their
membership of both the English & Welsh Rugby Unions 7cm -
BC3-B7 - £8
Newport tour of S Africa 1973 - Ref: AB10 - £7, | |||||
Newport Centenary 1974-5 - 9cm - navy - single motif - very good Ref: BC4-108-tiwacbcn-np - £15.00 |
Newport Schweppes Cup Winners 1976-77 - 10cm - navy - single motif - light wear to the motif otherwise very good Ref: PC33-111-tiwacb-np.76-7 - £7.50 |
Monmouthshite Youth RFU - 9cm
Ref: TT1-58-ti - £12.00 |
Ogmore Vale RFC Centenary 1879-1979 - 11cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-109-tiwacbcn-ov - £19.00 |
Oswestry RFC-USA tour 1981 - Ref: AD5-116 - £10.00
Pembrokeshire Referees - 7.5cm
Ref: CC29-P1 - £8.00
Penybanc RFC Ref: AD5-55-tiwacb - £11.00 |
Penygroes RFC - Ref: AD5-57 - £11 | ||||
Pontypool R.F.C - grey tie. 7.5cm
Ref: TT05-140-tiwacb-pontypool - £10.00 |
Pontypool - 9.5cm
Ref: TT1-41-ti - £7.00 |
Pontypool Supporters Club - Ref: AD5-147 - £8 | |||||
Pontypridd RFC - 8cm
Ref: BC2-C60 - £10.00
Pontypridd RFC Vice President - 8 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-087-tiwacb-pd.vp - £25.00 |
Pontypridd RFC - 7 cm - good condition - pure silk Ref: PC32-089-tiwacb-pd - £20.00 |
Pontypridd RFC Centenary 1876-1976 - 8 cm - excellent condition Ref: PC32-090-tiwacbcn-pd - £25.00 |
Pontypridd RFC - 7.5 cm - good condition Ref: BC6-088-tiwacb-pd - £20.00 |
Risca Centenary 1975 Ref: AD5-25-tiwacb - £12.00 |
St Peters RFC (Cardiff) - black with thin green stripes and cross keys motif - 7 cm - excellent condition Ref: PC32-130-tiwacb-sp - £19.00 |
Seven Sisters RFC - 10 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-105-tiwacb-ss - £20.00 |
Swansea - 8cm
Ref: BC02-51-tiwacb - £12.00 |
Swansea R.F.C - 7 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-155-tiwacb-sw - £19.00 |
Swansea R.F.C - 8 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-167-tiwacb-sw - £20.00 |
Swansea - Unknown tie featuring a central bird with All Blacks, Springbok & wallaby logos, 7.5 cm, we think this may be a Swansea players tie for players who have played against one of the three major touring teams, the bird possibly being an osprey which is the logo of Swansea RFC From the collection of Ieuan Morlais Evans, President Welsh R.U. 1991/2 - more info... CLICK HERE Ref: AD06-62-tiiuk-swansea-asnzsa - £15.00 |
Taibach Centenary - Ref: AD5-56 - £14 | ||||||
Tonna (Neath) RFC, 10 cm. .
Ref: PC33-P54-tiwacb - £10.00 |
Tumble RFC - 10 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-086-tiwacb-tu - £20.00 |
Treorchy RFC ??- 10 cm - excellent condition Ref: PC32-094-tiwacb-tr - £20.00 |
Tycroes RFC Ref: AD5-118 - £11.00
Voyagers RFC - charity team Ref: AD5-309 - £8.00
(Dragons) late 1990s, signed in silver by Neil Jenkins and Ben Evans
- 8.5cm
Ref: TT1-26-tiwaau2 - £19.00 |
Welsh Academicals golf day tie, - silver colour thin stripe & motif - 7.5cm - in
excellent condition
Ref: CL07-35-tiwa-acadgo - £14.00 |
Youth (players)
Ref: AD5-79-tiwacb - £35.00 |
Welsh Academicals golf day tie, gold colour thin stripe & motif - 7.5cm - in
excellent condition
Ref: CL07-34-tiwa-acadgo - £14.00 |
Welsh Academicals tie, 8.5cm - in excellent condition
Ref: PL27-33-tiwa-acadgo - £20.00 |
Welsh Charitables RFC - navy - logo faded, 9.5cm Ref: PC33-224-tiwacb.wa-charitables - £7.50 |
Rugby Union - District 'F' - 9cm
Ref: TT1-22-tiwaag-district.f - £9.00 |
Rugby Union - District G Under 20 XV - players tie - 9.5cm
Ref: TT1-33-tiwaag-district.g - £15.00 |
Debenture holder - 7.5cm
Ref: TT1-51-ti - £9.00 |
Welsh Rugby Union Writers Club - 9cm - new in original packaging Ref: BC4-112-tiwacb-r.u.writers - £12.00 |
v NZ All Blacks - 10cm
Ref: TT1-53-timt.ennz - £9.00 |
England v Australia, New Zealand & South Africa, 8.5cm, unused in original packaging Ref: AD05-441-timtenasnzsa - £15.00 |
England v Scotland - 7.5 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-158-tiensc - £22.00 |
v Scotland 1993 - 100th match - Calcutta Cup - 8cm
Ref: TT1-34-timt.scen93 - £12.00 |
England v Wales 1986-1992 - The Gas Challenge, 8cm, excellent
Ref: BC04-93-timi - £8.00 |
Ireland v
England ?? -decade of Digital (dinner)
Ref: AB11-tiiren-digt - £8.00 |
Scotland v England ??? Ref: AD5-208-tiscenuk - £8.00 |
Scotland v England, 8.5cm Ref: AD05-437-timtscen - £12.00 |
Scotland v England 1992 - 9cm
Ref: BC02-210-timi - £12.00 |
Scotland v England, 9cm Ref: AD05-444-timtscen - £12.00 |
Scotland v
Fiji 89 (dinner)
Ref: AB11-tiscfj89 - £9.00 |
Scotland v Ireland 93 (dinner)
Ref: B105-5-tisc - £15.00 |
Scotland v Ireland 95 Ref: AB10-tiscir95 - £12.00 |
Scotland v Wales 1991, - 8cm, unused in original packaging From the collection of Ieuan Morlais Evans, President Welsh R.U. 1991/2 - more info... CLICK HERE Ref: AD06-046-timtscwa1991 - £19.00 |
v Scotland - no date - 9.5cm
Ref: TT1-39-timt.wasc - £9.00 |
Wales v England 1993 - as new, still in wrapper - 8cm -
Ref: BC05-058 - £14.00
Wales v Ireland, 9cm, excellent
Ref: BC04-92-timtwair - £12.00zzz |
v South Africa 1998 - 9.5cm
Ref: TT1-23-timt.wasa98 - £12.00 |
Wales v New Zealand 1980 Centenary Match - 8 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-041-tiwanz80 - £20.00 |
Wales B v France B 1984 at Newport - the
match was sponsored by the post office and the tie includes the Rodney
Parade postcode, 7.5cm
Ref: CL7-015-tiag-b-wafr84 - £19.00 |
5 | 33 | 10 | 4 | 5 | 33 | 10 |
Unknown tie - Navy - unknown motif of Welsh origin - 10.5 cm - excellent
Ref: PC32-227-tiuk - £15.00 |
Unknown Tie - Navy - unknown green motif
similar to a shamrock - 9 cm -
excellent condition
Ref: PC32-206-tiuk - £25.00 |
Unknown Tie - Navy - unknown motif - 8 cm -
excellent condition
Ref: PC32-213-tiuk - £15.00 |
Unknown Tie - Navy - unknown motif - 9 cm -
excellent condition
Ref: PC32-205-tiuk - £25.00 |
Unknown tie by Calders of Cardiff &
Swansea - 10cm - in excellent condition
Ref: PL27-36-tiuk - £10.00 |
Unknown tie - red, looks to be military - 7.5 cm - origin Wales - excellent condition Ref: PC32-064-tiuk - £12.00 |
Unknown Tie - Navy - unknown motif which is
a deer with a crown, underneath - possibly Newbury - 8 cm - excellent condition
Ref: PC32-197-tiuk - £15.00 |
NRFC - Navy - unknown club side a dragon with a
white rugby ball - 9 cm - excellent condition
Ref: PC32-202-tiuk - £15.00 |
Unknown golf tie - navy with yellow stripes
- LVGC initials - which is slightly worn - 9 cm - good condition
Ref: PC32-226-tiuk - £10.00 |
Navy tie with billy goats head motif - 9.5 cm - showing
signs of wear overall in good condition
Ref: PC32-223-tiuk - £12.00 |
Unknown Tie - black with red and white stripes - unknown motif which includes 3 feathers - 10 cm - excellent condition Ref: PC32-122-tiuk - £15.00 |
W.R.F.C - unknown club tie, 8.5 cm, navy with a dog motif From the collection of Ieuan Morlais Evans, President Welsh R.U. 1991/2 - more info... CLICK HERE Ref: AD06-61-tiiuk-wrfc - £9.00 |
Unknown tie - Navy - unknown bird motif - 7
cm - excellent condition
Ref: PC32-194-tiuk - £15.00 |
Unknown Tie, probably French - Navy with
yellow stripes, cockerel motif in background - GWF initials on the
bottom - 8 cm - excellent condition
Ref: BC6-218-tiuk - £15.00 |
Quin & Bull - unknown origin - 8 cm - excellent condition
Ref: BC6-203-tiuk - £15.00 |
Unknown club tie CRUFC, probably an English club prancing pony motif - 6.5 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-058-tiuk - £19.00 |
Unknown 1970s bottle green single motif tie
- 10cm - in excellent condition
Ref: CL07-31-tiuk - £10.00 |
Unknown tie - red with white stripes unknown motif but looks to have golf clubs included - 7 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-073-tiuk - £10.00 |
BRFC Centenary - unknown club - 1879-1979 - 10 cm -
excellent condition
Ref: BC6-204-tiuk-brfc - £15.00 |
Unknown Tie - Blue - unknown motif, with the
numbers 1 1 2 written inside - 7 cm - good condition
Ref: PC32-214-tiuk - £15.00 |
Unknown Tie - black with a few red and white stripes - unknown red and white motif similar to Pontypool RFC coat of Arms - 6.5 cm - excellent condition Ref: PC32-115-tiuk - £15.00 |
Unknown navy tie with coast of arms,
possibly Welsh - 10 cm - excellent condition
Ref: BC6-208-tiuk - £10.00 |
Unknown Tie - black with red and white stripes - 3 symbols, song book, dragon & bishop's mitre - 6.5 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-117-tiuk - £10.00 |
black tie with lion motif - unknown origin - 7 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-124-tiuk - £15.00 |
Unknown Tie - black - with a motif which is red winged dragon or griffin - 7.5 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-121-tiuk - £15.00 |
Unknown Golf Tie - black with blue stripes - probably Cardiff Athletic Golfing Society - 7 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-114-tiuk - £12.00 |
Unknown tie - red, unknown motif - originated from New Zealand - 10 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-062-tiuk - £12.00 |
Unknown tie - Chinese dragon logo - Navy with
light blue stripes - unknown motif - 7 cm - excellent condition
Ref: BC6-209-tiuk - £15.00 |
Unknown tie - 9.5cm - one very small stain
to front.
Ref: CL07-29-tiuk - £10.00 |
CSRFC - English club tie, Ref: CL13-P1-02 - £8 | Bulldogs ???? (UK) tour of NZ 84- Ref: NC29-T2 - £12, | |||||
This is possibly an Eastern Province, South Africa tie. Ref: CC35-tiep-gms - £10.00
Elephant - probably Eastern Province - 6.5cm - made/supplied by Cravateur - Ref: BC05-080 | |||||
Three feathers above dragon, possibly a different version of Llanelli badge. Ref: BC04-107 |
South African tie unknown.
Ref: CL6-tisauk-gms - £15.00 |
Tie Rack
Ref: BC04-timi-rack - £5.00 |
Navy tie - white rhino head with JRU below, made by Filaspun Ltd, 7cm
Ref: MT01-290-tiuk |
Unknown tie - red, Welsh and England players spread across the tie, with leek motif on a ball - 10.5 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-065-tiuk - £25.00 |
Tie of unknown origin - Wales are going down under to New Zealand
- Navy - 8 cm - excellent condition
Ref: BC6-215-tiuk - £15.00 |
Unknown - green tie with the design of a
leek and the welsh dragon spread across the tie - welsh origin - 8cm
excellent condition
Ref: BC6-025-tiuk - £15.00 |
Unknown - green tie with white and red stripes - all
silk - 8cm - excellent condition
Ref: BC6-027-tiuk - £10.00 |
Unknown Tie - Navy - unknown standing lion
or chinese dragon motif - 9 cm -
good condition
Ref: PC32-225-tiuk - £15.00 |
Unknown tie made by Alec Brook, London -
10cm - in excellent condition - possibly Barbarians
Ref: CL07-27-tiuk - £10.00 |
Unknown tie - possibly Germany?? - 7 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-110-tiuk - £15.00 |
Unknown Tie - Navy with light blue stripes -
unknown motif - 7 cm - excellent condition
Ref: BC6-198-tiuk - £15.00 |
Unknown 'pirates skull and cross bones'
motif tie - 10cm - in excellent condition
Ref: CL07-28-tiuk - £15.00 |
Unknown Tie - Navy - unknown motif - 6.5 cm - good
Ref: PC32-199-tiuk - £15.00 |
Unknown Tie - Navy - unknown motif - 7.5 cm
- it is a little bit frayed at the bottom overall in good condition
Ref: PC32-220-tiuk - £5.00 |
Unknown Tie - HHSOB (H ? High School Old Boys) - 8 cm - excellent condition
Ref: BC6-207-tiuk - £25.00 |
Unknown Tie - Navy - unknown Tiger motif -
10 cm - excellent condition
Ref: BC6-210-tiuk - £25.00 |
Unknown Tie - black with red and white stripes - 7.5 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-120-tiuk - £10.00 |
Unknown tie made in France - possibly
international or representative related worn on the edges - 5 cm
Ref: BC6-224-tiuk - £19.00
Unknown Tie - black with white stripes - unknown motif, a rams head - 8 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-119-tiuk - £15.00 |
Unknown - green tie with a badge which has a
welsh dragon in the middle, it also has white and yellow stripes -
welsh origin - possibly Sports Council for Wales - 6cm - excellent condition
Ref: BC6-026-tiuk - £20.00 |
Unknown Tie - black with white stripes - unknown motif with PYRU (PY Rugby Union) written underneath it - 9.5 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-123-tiuk - £19.00 |
Navy tie with Wales motif - 9 cm -
excellent condition
Ref: BC6-193-tiuk - £20.00 |
Unknown - green tie with large white and red
stripes - made in England - 8.5 cm - excellent condition
Ref: BC6-029-tiuk - £10.00 |
Unknown tie, feather motif - 8 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-060-tiuk - £15.00 |
Unknown tie - NDS - Navy with white stripes
- unknown motif - 7.5 cm - excellent condition
Ref: BC6-221-tiuk - £15.00 |
B.R.F.C - 8cm - owl logo - in excellent condition
Ref: BC6-022-tiuk-brfc - £15.00 |
Unknown golf club tie made in Wales,
probably Cardiff Athletic Golfing Society - 9cm -
in excellent condition
Ref: CL07-37-tiuk - £10.00 |
Unknown players tie - black with yellow stripes - unknown motif with the XV written underneath - 9.5 cm - excellent condition Ref: BC6-112-tiuk - £19.00 |